Talk to Me Tuesday: Birthday Edition

Usually, I would have written a poem or just a random post about some topic that means a great deal to me like Strength in Sisters. This Tuesday is the birthday of one of my younger siblings- Midori. 

Like most sisters, we are guilty of having a less than perfect relationship. One that has mostly arguing yet tons of love. Sisterhood is one of the many paradoxes of my life. There is often an imbalance that comes with the territory of being an older sibling. Having someone look up to you is not an easy task although it is very rewarding when you see that your sibling has been listening to your advice all these years, and has a great deal of respect for you.

In any case, Happy Birthday Midori! 

My little big sister who wishes she was the oldest. The sister who you would never know admires you until something life-changing happens ( this year it was my wedding). You have many faults, we all do. Make this year yours. Be your happiness, and everything else will fall into perspective. We frequently forget to say 'I love you.' So know that I love and support you always. Being your older sister is an honor. You were once my largest pain when we were younger. I thank God that the love in my heart claimed by our sisterhood far exceeds the attributes that I once deemed annoying. May God bless you, guide you, and may you also accept Him in your heart to strengthen and guide you as well.

Enjoy your day!

-Shay Nefeteria