Get Dem Boys Reading

Being a mother of three boys never gets tiring. My two oldest are seven and eight years old. They were both read to from the womb. Now, as second and third graders, Ajani (7), is reading above reading level while his brother is on reading level. The 2016-17 school year is the first year since they began school that Carmelo (8) has received a report card with a check next to "on reading level." Upset, I found myself evaluating the beginning of the school year until the date he brought home his report card.

Here's what I noticed (and then I will get to my tips...I promise):

Carmelo tends to read the same series over and over again while Ajani reads for stamina (when he does read).

The second graders are offered accelerated learning programs while in third grade, they seem to focus on the New York State Tests.

Not to mention I was overwhelmed being pregnant again for the first time in 7 years. My pregnancy took a toll on my end of the partnership their teachers, and I have established. Following this rude awakening, I decided to adapt some of the teacher's ideas at home to get dem boys reading.

Here go the tips:

Have D.E.A.R. time which stands for drop everything and read

Make reading part of family time just like praying and eating dinner.

Let your child pick their books from the library.

To further engage male children, do fun activities such as acting out an alternate ending or becoming an antagonist.

What books are your kids reading?

How do you get them to read?


Shay Nefeteria

